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starbucks bakkt

Bakkt makes it possible. Starbucks soon accepts bitcoin.

Bakkt makes it possible; Starbucks soon accepts bitcoin. Starbucks received a significant stake in Bakkt in exchange for a pledge to allow bitcoin payments in 2019. This is according to an anonymous source familiar with the deal between Bakkt and his partners. Bakkt is the upcoming cryptocurrency trading platform for the New York Stock Exchange […]


Coinbase Now Supports PayPal Withdrawals in Europe

Coinbase Now Supports PayPal Withdrawals in Europe Today (05.02.2019) the crypto exchange Coinbase announced that it would now also support PayPal payouts in Europe. Deposits are unfortunately not yet possible via PayPal. But how you can still buy Bitcoins with PayPal we have described here.  

new york bitcoin atm

New York: Buy bitcoins at ATM

New York: Buy Bitcoins at ATM New Yorkers can now buy Bitcoin with their debit cards at traditional ATMs. With the newly granted license of the New York regulator, LibertyX is the first licensee to be allowed to offer this service to New York residents.

dust attack

What is a Dust Attack?

What is a “Dust Attack”? Hackers and scammers are always developing new methods to get to the bitcoins of their victims. Here we introduce you to a relatively new method, the Dusting or Dust attack. This attack is about finding out more about the victims and carrying out a well-planned attack later.

venezuela inflation

Venezuela gets its first Bitcoin ATM

Venezuela gets its first Bitcoin ATM Venezuela, the country that records new bitcoin trading volume records almost weekly, is to get its first bitcoin ATM (ATM). The equipment is already installed in Venezuela in Caracas. It’s in the final testing phase and we’ll then make an announcement on social networks. Jorge Farias CEO of Panama-based […]

coinstar bitcoin

USA: Bitcoin soon at the supermarket

USA: Bitcoin soon at the supermarket Over 20,000 Coinstar ATM´s worldwide could soon offer the purchase of bitcoins. In the US, Canada, the UK and Ireland, the Coinstar ATM´s are widely used in grocery stores, drugstores and other retail outlets. They are used to convert small money, residual amounts of vouchers and fuel cards into […]

bitcoin paypal

Buy Bitcoins with PayPal

Buy Bitcoins with PayPal Is it possible to buy Bitcoins with PayPal ? We have often read this question in various forums or chat groups. Yes it´s possible and we show you how. PayPal actually prohibits the purchase of Bitcoin. Since a Bitcoin transaction cannot be reversed, it is not compatible with the PayPal network. […]

silhouette bull and bear

Is the big bullrun coming soon?

Is the big bullrun coming soon? According to Rebecca Harding, a financial journalist and author of the book “The Weaponization of Trade: The Great Unbalancing of policy and economics,” major financial institutions are just waiting to enter the crypto market. Harding is, among other things, CEO of Coriolis Technologies, a technology company that provides services […]

Peer to peer (P2P) money transfer

Our Service

Does your company already accept cryptocurrencies? “Bitcoin Accepted here” offer large companies (such as Microsoft, Lieferando, Dell, etc.) Already on to their customers today. Worldwide can be at approx. 260,000 business/acceptance points are paid for with the digital currency, every day there will be more. In Japan, Bitcoin is officially recognized as a currency. Offer […]