Coinbase Now Supports PayPal Withdrawals in Europe


Today (05.02.2019) the crypto exchange Coinbase announced that it would now also support PayPal payouts in Europe.

Deposits are unfortunately not yet possible via PayPal. But how you can still buy Bitcoins with PayPal we have described here.


According to a blog post by Allen Osgood, a project manager at Coinbase, U.S. customers needed up to the 14th. December either an ACH or Fedwire account (formerly known as the Federal Reserve Wire Network) to withdraw Fiat (USD) from their Coinbase account. That had the downside that the payouts lasted up to two business days. Since today, European customers have also been able to use PayPal for withdrawals. As a result, the money is immediately in the PayPal account without the 1.49% fees that would normally be due.


To use this new service, you need to log in to Coinbase and then link your PayPal account to the Coinbase account. One is then forwarded to the PayPal page to confirm the link with Coinbase.


In the end, you can see the PayPal added as a new option. Now you can pay off your Coinbase balance directly and spend it somewhere else:-).

What do you think of that? Discuss with us on our Telegram Channel or Twitter.

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