Build your own Mining Rig and earn cryptocurrencies
In this tutorial we build a mining rig with 12 graphics cards and a computing power of approx. 360 MHs for Ethash (Ethereum etc ..). It will run with a special mining operating system "ethos" based on Linux. Currently there are only 6 cards installed, the rest will follow soon. This project is already a bit more challenging and we can't describe all the steps. Below there are links where you can read more details. You can ask questions in the comments or feel free to join our Telegram Channel.
Update/note: Ethereum will eventually switch from POW to POS. This means that Ethereum can no longer be mined after switching to POS. Of course, you can mine other coins, just as a hint. It is not yet clear when the change from POW (proof of work) to POS (proof of stake) will actually come. There were already a lot of appointments that were postponed again and again.
With the miner, we are able to "manufacture" our own cryptocurrency. By taking on tasks on the network and processing transactions on the blockchain, we get rewards and shares of the respective currency. The rewards will be sent to our wallet. Currently, with 360 MHs of computing power, you would get 0.882 Ether per month (as of 21.09.2018). The yield depends on the difficulty and this depends on the total hashrate on the network. The more miners on the network, the higher the Difficulty. However, we will come to calculate the yield later.

How profitable is mining?
One of the most common and contentious questions in the miner scene. Mainly it depends on the factors current price, electricity price and difficulty. On the page you can calculate the yield for yourself. For many miners, however, there is also the factor of "faith." They mine coins that may not currently be the most profitable, but they promise themselves a lot for the future and hope that the price of the coin will increase. We are still in the early stages of cryptocurrencies, but based on sales in the mining industry, you can assume that money is still made even at the low prices.
What coins do we mine?
According to, the following currencies have been most profitable in recent months:
Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Metaverse, Pirl (all ethash algorithm) and Loki (CryptoNightHeavy algorithm)
We start with Ethereum because most coins are based on it and have the same Algo.
We use AMD RX580 graphics cards because they are well suited to mine Ethereum.
Graphics card RX580 Powercolor on our Amazon shopping list.
The housing
Different materials can be used for the case. Our first rig has a wooden frame but this time we wanted to take an aluminium frame. The aluminium four-edged tubes are cut to format with an iron saw (jigsaw with metal saw blade) and assembled without screws thanks to the plastic connectors. You have to hit the plastic connectors in the pipes with the hammer. The case is then absolutely firm and very stable. You need to determine the measurements yourself and depend on your chosen hardware.
Aluminium four-edged tube 20x20x1.5 mm and Plastic X connectors on our Amazon shopping list
When measuring, remember that the cards should be stuck in the risers and exactly lying up in the middle. Then the cards are charged straight and evenly when screwing.

Mounting hardware
I chose the ASRock H110 Pro BTC + and an Intel Celeron CPU. The graphics cards take over the main task, so a Celeron CPU and 4GB of memory are completely enough. The CPU comes with a fan that is already coated with thermal conduction paste. You simply attach the CPU to the motherboard and just click the fan on top of it. Then use the memory and connect all the cables you need. Be sure to follow the instructions provided for all steps.
The exact list of hardware used can be found here.
A video where you can see how to build a 13 gpu Mining Rig

Next, the holes, with the help of the motherboard, are drawn as a template. We drilled small holes for the screws because we had very hard wood. In order to reach the necessary distance, we use spacers.
Spacers on our Amazon shopping list

Next, we drill the holes for the graphics cards into the aluminium profile. We take the normal PC screws and don't need to cut any thread. The screws tighten themselves.

Now the graphics cards have to be mounted. I tested four different graphics cards before and ended up opting for the PowerColor RX 580 Red Devil Golden Sample with 8GB of Ram memory. The radiator is very large and the hash performance is also good.
Here are a few values/per card
- To Bios Mod 30-32 MHs
- 80-110 watts depending on mining algorithm and overclocking
- 38-50 ° degree GPU temperature at 50% fan power (1350 rpm)
Good cooling increases the life of the cards. The fans do not have to rotate so fast, so the volume also drops significantly.

For a video where you can see the structure and the wiring in detail click here How to build a 13 gpu mining rig
Operating system ethos
When everything is wired, an operating system is still missing and for that I have chosen ethos. It is based on Linux, runs on a USB stick and is much more stable than Windows. The hate rate of the cards is much more even than before with Windows. No drivers need to be installed etc. Currently, the version is 1.3.2
It costs $39 and can be bought here
HiveOS and SMOS are still good alternatives. Here, however, you pay a monthly fee for the software.
Ethos Start
HDD Raw Copy Tool
The downloaded ethos file is an image file that you copy to a USB stick using the HDD Raw Copy Tool. From this USB stick we can now boot our mining rig.
In order to reduce the power consumption and get a little more MHs, the bios of the graphics cards had to be modmodded. When modling, the bios memory of the graphics card is flashed, new timings for memory clock and power supply are written into the memory of the card. As a result, in the worst case scenario, you lose the warranty and the card can break. This is your own risk.
Bios mods for graphics cards (VBios)
On the page you can find ready-made bios mods for many cards. Or you can use the Polaris Bios Editor with the "one-click method." I haven't tried it myself yet. Download Polaris Editor - One Click.
Flashing the GPU
Flashing can be done via the ethos surface. More information can be found here:
View adapter numbers of cards: sudo atiflash-i
Make backup of the current bios: Sudo atiflash-s <adaptor number="">backupbios.rom</adaptor>
New bios on map flashing: Sudo atiflash-f-p <adaptor number="">/pav.zum/neuenbios.rom</adaptor>
Once all graphics cards have been flashed, you still have to adjust the Config file in ethos and enter your wallet address so that you can get the accumulated coins paid out. You have to enter a pool address and the values for overclocking the cards.
Why mining pools?
Teamwork is everything. When a lot of miners connect to a pool for Ethereum Pool Mining, a lot of computing power comes together. If a block is then found, everyone gets a part of the reward (reward). This proportion depends on the computing power you bring to the pool. Ether mining in a pool brings several benefits. You can also participate in Ether Mining with a low computing power and get a pair of Ether or Finney (1 Ether = 1000 Finney). This would not be possible with the Ether solo mining, it would take a very long time to find a block on your own.
The risk of going blank also falls away at Ether Pool Mining. When it comes to pool mining, you don't need to download the blockchain. This saves space and, of course, a lot of time. The disadvantages at the Ether Pool Minig are rather small. There is a pool fee, which in most cases is 1%.
Here you will find the most profitable pool
Pools we use:
Ethereum and Ethereum Classic
Config Settings
All Config Files can be found on our Gitlab account.
This is how, for example, ETH Config. We use the Ethermine Pool:
# ETH Rig 2 stratumproxy enabled Proxywallet EUREWALLETADRESSE<-- wie ihr eine Wallet anlegt seht ihr hier wie="" ihr="" eine="" wallet="" anlegt="" seht="" ihr=""></-- wie ihr eine Wallet anlegt seht ihr hier> Proxypool1 Proxypool2 Global Miner claymore Prefogs-cl-global-work 8192--farm-recheck 200 claymore = flags-tt 60-tstop 85. Jusafevolt disabled cor 75b743 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 Mem 75b743 2120 2120 2120 2120 2120 2120 2120 dpm 75b743 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 vlt 75b743 925 925 925 925 925 925
Hardware Shopping List
CPU Intel Celeron G3930 2x 2.90 GHz @amazon
Graphics cards RX580 Powercolor @amazon
Memory 4GB HyperX @amazon
Hard drive SSD Intenso 128 GB M.2 @amazon
Power supply LEPA (1000 watt) @amazon
Power supply Zalman (1200 watts) @amazon
Riser adapter @amazon
Energy meter Brennenstuhl PM @amazon
Artic Fan F12 120 mm @amazon
DVI Monitor Dummy @amazon
USB Stick for operating system@amazon
Dual 24pin adapter cable @amazon
Spacer @amazon
Aluminium four-edged tube 20x20x1.5 mm @amazon
Plastic X-connector @amazon
Operating system ethos
Ethereum Difficulty
Bios Mods
Find the most profitable coins
Find the most profitable mining pools
3,300 H/s (XMR), 140 MH/s (ETH) Mining Rig in self-construction for Monero/Ethereum with Linux
You can find even more information in our Links and Tools Collection.
Ethos commands
!!! NOTE NOTE: You should change your login password as soon as the system runs, otherwise you can easily be hacked, change USER + ROOT password!!!
You change the passwords via the terminal with the following commands:
To change the root password:
sudo passwd (you are now asked for your new password, for confirmation you have to re-enter it for security and since you have been SAVE)
To change the user's (ethos) password:
Passwd (you will now be asked for your old password and then you will have to enter the new one 2 times)
If you have created other users, change the password with the following command:
sudo passwd USERNAME
- showminer – shows you what and how the miner grade works
- alloff/disallow – allowed or denied the automatic start of the miner
- minestop – plugs all mining activities
- helpme – show you the address above which you can find your rig on the Internet as well as if and with how many Mh/s your system is currently working
- show – shows an overview of all logfiles
- dmesg – stands for display message and is a program that can issue the kernel messages on the screen.
- r – restarts the system
- hard reboot – performs a forced reboot when nothing else works
- gethelp – creates a diagnosis file that support can help you once the worm is inside
- clear-thermals – has stopped your system due to oversize you have 2 ways to get it running again the one would be a restart the other of this command, it resets the temperatures so that the system can mine again so that the system can mine again
- reset-config – resets remote as well as local config to delivery status
- reset network – resets network settings to delivery state
- update – shows the latest mining stats
- putconf – you changed something about the remote.conf and want it written into the local.conf then you use this command
- browser – opens a browser
- lock – locks the ethOS desktop
- ethos-overclock – you have a mining process on running and in the local.conf the graphics cards overclocked, then with this command you take over the settings in the current mining process without restarting, quite practically if you scratch the limit
- ethos-update – update your ethOS system up to date, but you have to do it as an admin so you have to write sudo ethos-update
- ethoschat – a help chat is running in the current terminal and you can ask questions directly
- ethoschat-local – opens a help chat on the Mining Rig desktop but in a separate window. If you still notice an important term I forgot, don't hesitate to contact us.
Please leave questions, tips and suggestions below in the comments or feel free to join our Telegram Channel. We are always grateful for feedback.
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